To get to this page, to to Mail Connectors → (choose Mail Collector) → General.
This page sets the basic settings for a Mail Collector.
A Mail Collector tells VPOP3 how to collect incoming mail.
The General tab sets some basic settings. The other tabs for this Collector will depend on what settings are chosen here.
The Mail Collector Name is a name you have given this Collector. It doesn't mean anything to VPOP3, but is simply used in the settings and any error messages to help you find which Collector it is talking about.
The Mail Collection Method tells VPOP3 how this Collector collects mail. There are three options:
•Download from a POP3 Server
•Incoming SMTP Mail Feed
•ODMR (ATRN) Mail Collection
Your ISP will have told you which option to choose. In most cases it will be Download from a POP3 Server. ODMR (ATRN) is quite rare; even though it is technologically superior to POP3, it is designed for collection by email servers such as VPOP3 rather than directly by email clients, so most ISPs do not support it.
The Incoming SMTP Mail Feed option is only needed if VPOP3 has to "do something" for the SMTP Mail Feed to work - eg send an ETRN command or trigger a dial-up connection. Most incoming SMTP mail feeds just happen automatically. In that case, you do not need to create a Mail Collector in VPOP3, it will just work.
The Enable this Mail Collector option will stop this Mail Collector working if it is turned off. (Note that this will NOT stop an incoming SMTP mail feed if it doesn't need VPOP3 to do anything, it will just stop VPOP3 performing its actions to trigger the incoming messages).
The Priority option lets you re-order the Mail Collectors, so that some will come before others. VPOP3 will process the lower number priorities first. Note that generally this is not needed. If you have VPOP3 collecting every 10 minutes, then it doesn't matter whether a particular Collector is processed first or last, it will still be processed approximately every 10 minutes.
The Use this Mail Collector with these Connections tells VPOP3 which Connections this Collector should be used with. This can be useful if you need to have different Collectors act with different frequencies. See the Connection Scheduling section for more information.
The Last connection result section shows the result of the last time this Collector tried to work.