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Add a Connection Wizard - Dial-up Connection 2

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When VPOP3 is connecting using Dial-up networking, a useful feature is that it can detect if a dial-up connection has been made by other software (or manually) and 'piggy-back' onto that connection to download/send email while the connection is active.

On this page you can choose which dial-up connections VPOP3 should monitor for activity. Typically you'd choose all the connections which connect to the Internet (or the same network as the remote mail servers). Select these connections in the Dial-up connections to check list. Use Ctrl+Click to select multiple entries.

The AutoConnect when computer connected to a valid dial-up connection tells VPOP3 to automatically trigger the Connection when it detects that one of the selected dial-up connections is active.

The Only AutoConnect once per dial-up session tells VPOP3 to only connect automatically once per detected dial-up session. If this box is not checked, then the AutoConnect every x minutes setting tells VPOP3 how often to connect.


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