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Contact us: support@pscs.co.uk
Contact us: support@pscs.co.uk

Other Services

We offer other miscellaneous services to our customers (and other people), so they are listed below. If you need more information on any of these services, or want to order them, then please call us on 01484 855801.

Note that we are not a 'box shifter', so we try to ensure that you are purchasing the appropriate service for your requirements, which is why we like to talk with you first (by email or phone).

All the prices below exclude VAT which will be charged as appropriate (i.e. 20% for purchases within the United Kingdom, or your local VAT rate within the European Union if you don't supply us with your VAT registration number).

Internet Services

Domain registration and hosting

We can register most types of domains, and host the DNS for you if you wish. This includes email forwarding to another email address or a catch-all POP3 mailbox

Our prices are:

  • .UK domain - 1 year: £12.00, 2-10 years: £10.00 per year
  • .COM domain -£20.00 per year
  • .ORG domain -£25.00 per year
  • .NET domain -£25.00 per year
  • Other types of domain - contact us for details - 01484 855800

Domain registration Terms & Conditions

SSL Certificates

We can obtain SSL certificates from several well known certificate authorities. There is a wide range of certificates available, so contact us for more details, but the most common ones we sell are:

  • GeoTrust RapidSSL - suitable for non-ecommerce websites/mail servers - £29.95 per year
  • Sectigo Wildcard certificate - suitable if you have many different sites in the same domain - £129.95 per year

GeoTrust RapidSSL

Buy for 1 year (£29.95)

Note that if you purchase these for use with our VPOP3 Enterprise mail server software we can provide you with the certificates in the suitable form to be easily used with VPOP3.

Secondary DNS server

If you have your own DNS server and you want a second DNS server on a different network, we can do that for you to act as a slave to your own DNS server

Price: £20.00 per domain per year

Secondary MX server

If you have a mail server and want to add a backup MX server, we can host this for you. Note that in most cases this is not necessary, and can cause issues, but in some cases it can be useful.

Price: £40.00 per year

SMTP Relay service

If your ISP has limits or problems with sending outgoing mail, you can use an alternative SMTP relay service. We have various plans starting from £40.00 per year for up to 5000 messages or 750MB per month. See the FAQ or Contact us for details.


We can provide a 5GB POP3/IMAP4 mailbox for you, either for a catch-all or individual user's email as you require. Also, see our Hosted VPOP3 service.

Price: £20.00 per mailbox per year

Web hosting

We can provide website hosting for you. Our three most popular plans are:

  • Basic website - no PHP/MySQL etc - 5GB data, FTP access - £40.00 per year
  • Wordpress website - 5GB data - £80.00 per year
  • Dynamic website - PHP/MySQL - 20GB data, FTP,SSH access - £150.00 per year

Other possibilities are available, contact us for more information

Hosted Exchange Services

Our main products are based around our VPOP3 mail server, but we appreciate that some customers may require a Microsoft Exchange solution, so we can offer Hosted Exchange Services. Note that this is much less flexible than our Hosted VPOP3 service or hosting our VPOP3 email server software yourselves, but it does give you full integration with Microsoft Outlook if that is more important than other features.

Price: Starting from £59.95 per year for a 25GB mailbox