Customer Feedback
If you want to send us feedback to add to this page, simply send an email to
I just want to say how great you guys are to provide such fast support for free. VPOP3 must be the best value computer product I have ever bought.
Quote me as much as you like, you deserve more business.
Yet again you and your colleague yesterday have impressed not just with a good quality product (VPOP3) but good quality support.
Thanks for great products and great support.
If only the other 99.999% of IT and software companies were as good as you guys our lives would be a lot easier...
A few years ago, I left employment with a Microsoft Solution Provider, where I regularly installed VPOP3. I was impressed with it then, but now.... For what it's worth, I can honestly say that, with my hand on my heart, it's just gone from strength to strength. In my humble opinion... ;-)

We have just started using your spam filter feature. It is amazingly wonderful, as postmaster my mail is now manageable and not a single false positive yet!
Thanks Paul and the team
"I know VPOP3 since 1997 (since version 1.1)! I always liked the friendly and easy GUI. During the many years PSCS also developed tons of features. They respond to user feedbacks and the changing world of the internet. I also like their licensing attitude. (If you purchase the product, you can upgrade, till the next major release, free of charge and get the new features.)
The support is excellent!
If you are looking for a POP3 server, this one worth a try!"
"I have been using this since the company first launched version 1.5. I have found it a very Reliable, Easy to use and Fully customizable. Currently we are using 2.X version, which has more functionality then ever. Meanwhile I appreciate the support team to provide their best."
"Having only used MS Exchange before, I found VPOP3 very easy to come to terms with, even moving it to a new server was very easy.
Anyway, it's now 5 years on and we are still using Version 1.5.0a (build 1501). It's brilliant, no problems at all. I have written my own Download Rules and Spam filter. It's so easy to use and has never failed at all. Mind you, the new version looks even better, I might just have to upgrade.
Hats off the to guys that wrote it, it's total bang for your buck. Even the website and Support are excellent. This is indeed a very rare commodity to find in today's world"
"I have used a couple of different Email servers in the past, and I must say that this is by far the best, most stable and reliable software I've used in a long time.
Along with the excellent technical support and help from other 'users' within the forum, any problems/questions are quickly ironed out.
A must buy!"
"AND while I'm on, I just mention that this is one of the best pieces of software we use (and have used for some time). We find it fault free and very well supported."
"I wanted to say that this new VPOP3 is the GO! Since we have upgraded our old VPOP3 with this new one, I am totally hooked on it. I very much like this new version of VPOP3."
"Best support I have had for a long time on software. VPOP3 is a fantastic product a credit to the team that wrote it, the support is always accurate and fast."
"Dear Sirs,
As a software developer who recently changed ISP and needed an POP3 program, I just wanted to thank you for a genuinely great program made available at a very reasonable cost. I have evaluated VPOP3 and found that it does not only what I wanted but also a lot more (eg the download filters, the mail lists, redirection, auto-responders).
The result is that I bought more licenses than I really need because I can use the extra mailboxes for interesting stuff I would not otherwise have done. Thats a product worth having.
Well done - take a well deserved pack on the back.
"Just wanted to say VPOP3 is a great piece of software: reliable, inexpensive, simple but fully featured. Its really good to be able to use a reasonably priced and capable product that is not from one of the software giants like Microsoft. Cheers."
"Yes, yes, YES! Brilliant, spiffy, super, phantastic! That's the way things are supposed to be like. Who needs Symantec, Computer Associates, Netscape, Lotus or Microsoft Exchange Server if one can have SOPHOS and VPOP3!
Unsually, when I get virus warnings from our headoffice 8000 miles away,
warning that there is a new virus and no definition update yet from
Symantec or McAfee, SOPHOS has already posted the new virus definition
file 12-18 hours earlier. And now, with this wonderful little addition
to VPOP3 we'll get updated automatically and even faster.
"I registered VPOP3 about 4-5 may be even 6 Years ago. I think it is very nice to get updates all the time without having to buy a new licence. I am very satisfied with your product, and even more with the way you handle your customers. I already recommended VPOP3 to several people and I will do so in the future for two reasons.
- You have a very useful product.
- Almost more important than #1 you have a fantastic "After sales service".
Keep up the good work.
"We have just purchased VPOP3 for our solicitors practice. As IT manager I have been looking for an email server solution that did not require the use of Windows NT. We use D-Links DP-692 Internet Server as our network gateway. The free email software supplied with the D-Link unit is a little too basic for our purposes. I have evaluated many alternative options, but none of them offered the same price/performance ratio as VPOP3. Of the ones I looked at VPOP3 is one of the easiest to setup and maintain, yet does not sacrifice any of the facilities that most businesses should be seeking.
Great product! Keep up the good work.
"I'm not usually inclined to send mail like this but, here goes......... Fantastic! Marvellous!..........
As IT manager in a 25+ small company VPOP3 has proved itself over the last
12 months to be a flexible, reliable, stable and above all easy to use and
economic solution to providing e-mail services across an NT Server based
network to a mixture of Windows 95/98/NT/2000 and Macintosh clients using 2
accounts over an ISDN line.
"Thanks for the help, yet again I strongly believe VPOP3 is the best pop3 solution for
Windows. Something interesting for you: I run five lists using the VPOP3 listserver.
Currently VPOP3 is running on a P120 with 32 Megs of RAM. Yesterday, VPOP3
sent over 3800 messages over a dial-up line with the aforementioned hardware.
I think that's pretty amazing personally. It didn't even balk at the load. VPOP3 is truly
awesome software!"
"We needed an affordable email solution for the largest Ford dealership in Baltimore. Using VPOP3 and a local ISP offering DSL, in no time we gave 65 people at the dealership their own '' email address whereas before they had been using 3 or 4 AOL and MSN accounts. In addition we added about 20 generic addresses (info@, newsales@ etc.).
It took about one hour to install and enter the names or the mail recipients and about 2 hours to whisk around the 60 or so machines to tweak their O*tlook.
Once we told the owner about the Autoresponse features he had that set up to send back a courtesy message to each potential customer.
A brilliant product. MS Exchange is a dinosaur compared to this 1.4Mb wonder. "
"VPOP3: As lawyers specialising in international communications law we have found this virtual pop 3 mailbox software to be quite simply the most powerful simple, effective and efficient e-mail system available. Lots more bang for your buck!"
Allow me to take a few moments to tell you about a stupid thing I did. I registered VPOP3 the other day via WorldPay. But that's not the stupid part.
I've started looking for a home POP3 server about 6 weeks ago. VPOP3 was the first product I downloaded and tried.
It worked great. It had a web interface. It was easy to set up. It was perfect.
(Here's the stupid part). I then spent the next 6 weeks downloading and evaluating every other POP3 server I could find (for under $200 dollars). None had your flexibility and features.
AND, not only was your product the best I could find, it was also the most fairly priced for home use. (I actually bought the 5 user license because I wanted some of the advanced features).
In short I wasted many many hours of my time looking for a better product.
I will recommend it highly to several of my friends.
Please keep up the good work. "
"I've been trying all manner of things - Exchange was a nightmare - mDa.... wouldn't co-operate with proxy server - I needed a domain name ... etc.. I was thinking it can't be that difficult to dial up x number of ISPs, download & sort & provide some sort of upload - I can't believe one doesn't exist, I'm going to have to write my own ...
But I don't. Thankyou for an excellent, working, understandable, efficient piece of software. I will be phoning tomorrow with my order. "
"I downloaded your product VPOP3 last Friday, spent a couple of hours configuring it 'just so', and then promptly bought it. WOW! Was this program written just for me? It certainly feels like it!
I was, and still am, amazed by the scope and usefulness of the configuration options. It's made things so much easier.
Thanks for putting so much effort in to providing a program that fits its intended use, and audience, perfectly. "
"I have to say that this is some of the most delightful software I have had the pleasure of working with.
I downloaded the demo this morning at about 10.00, had everything working by about 10.30, and ordered the full version by 11.00!
In a fairly long career in IT I have come to expect the worst (particularly with Microsoft products), but this experience has given me hope :-) "
"Thanks very much. We have been very pleased with your product, as it is very easy to operate for a small office without a full-time network technician. "
"I am a lawyer, but I used to be a computer engineer. About six months ago I purchased an 11-25 user license for VPOP3 for [a law firm] in Chicago. We used VPOP3 with three separate POP accounts on an ISP, one of which was a group account. We recently switched ISP's, put in a router and started getting our in-bound mail using SMTP. During the transition period mail would come in from both sources. VPOP3 is unflappable and a terrific product.
Here is a quote I just sent about your product to a friendly consultant who was asking our use of VPOP3: "I've seen a fair amount of software in my time, more of it bad than good, and all I can say is that these people treat software creation as an art form. Truly a remarkably fine product."
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your product and to pass on best wishes for all the success that you rightfully deserve."
"Let me say you that I enjoy VPOP3 very much; I use it at work for about 6 months on a LAN with a RNIS connection to the outside world and it works really great.
Please accept my best regards,
Michel Szybist "
"After an arduous battle (at the end of which I flew
the white flag of surrender) with
....Mail (name deleted to protect the guilty), a friend of mine suggested we look into VPOP3 as the POP3 server
for our small intranet (10 machines on Win 95 peer to peer). I downloaded and installed the
evaluation copy of VPOP3 and within 2 hours I had a functioning POP3/SMTP mail system.
I was quite impressed. After running VPOP3 without incident for a day, we moved it to another
machine, set it up again (15 minutes this time) and ordered a 25 user license.
I have to hand it to you guys- this is great software for a great price!
Thanks, you made my life quite a bit better!"
"I would like to purchase a licence for VPOP3. I have downloaded the evaluation copy of VPOP3 and have been tremendously happy with it. It is a very well developed piece of software. It's extremely stable, uses very little system resources and super user-friendly!! I love it. It's a great alternative to buying something like MS Exchange Server, especially the way it takes advantage of existing client software like Eudora (which our techno-fobies already use)."